DreamWalker412 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreamwalker412/art/20-Forever-336746329DreamWalker412

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DreamWalker412's avatar

20. Forever



The ring finger is heart shaped woohoooo!! :la:
I was so excited when playing with the toothpick the marble took the shape of an heart xD the other nails are nothing special: they are just the result of me trying to get another heart haha :D but I must admit I was afraid it would came out much worse xD
I don't know what went wrong when I did it the previous times, but this time I used almost hot water and very very "liquid" nail polishes (they are both from deborah) ...plus I tried to be as fast as I could because the other times I was really slow and when I tried to use the toothpick the whole thing got destroyed o.o
but I really want to improve this technique because I love the effect! so I'm thinking about starting some other series to practice with xD
I stole the lovely ring from my little cousin, thought it would fit with the design haha :)

Anyway I really hope you will like it!
much much love!
Image size
1894x1242px 843.79 KB
Canon PowerShot A510
Shutter Speed
1/79 second
Focal Length
6 mm
Date Taken
Nov 5, 2012, 7:38:39 PM
Sensor Size
© 2012 - 2024 DreamWalker412
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